Just a quick post. I did this table for a good friend of mine for her baby shower. I really enjoyed creating this table. Inspiration for this actually came last minute! I was at Homegoods store looking for a square cake pedestal. Of course, at Homegoods, you just can't look at one area. So I ended up being in the kids section. Then I saw those bamboo wooden toys--the airplane and the race car. The colors match with the shower color theme. So I just had to get it! Then I thought, well what else can I put on the table? I saw those old fashioned kid's suitcases and thought it was a perfect place to put the macarons! But of course they only had purple and pink at the store. Wouldn't exactly work for a boy baby shower. Then I remembered I had a couple at home that I can use. Whew! And of course, gotta have the teddy bear for an added touch ;) By the way, I apologize to those people who saw me at Homegoods last friday afternoon. Yes, I was that crazy lady in the aisle by the boys section setting a cake pedestal, suitcases, toys, and a basket on the floor and staring at it for at least 10 minutes! I needed to visualize my table setting!
I didn't make a lot since there was a cake. On the left are cake pops, on the right are macarons.
I just love that airplane!
Don't want to brag, but I really love this set up :)
Heart cake pops. Somehow, I had a hard time getting this thing done. While dipping them in the candy coating, the cake just kept falling off the stick! I was gonna use a diaper caddy to put the cake pops in, but I couldn't find a nice one when I was at Homegoods and I didn't get any chance to check out other stores. I thought this worked anyway.
Last but not least, the cake. With the trendy chevron pattern. Since the top tier was only a 6" cake, I couldn't quite fit the name on a straight line. So I had to alternate putting some letters in the front and back. Maybe I should have made the letters smaller. Decorations were made of modeling chocolate. That flower by the way, probably doesn't really resemble any real flower. I just made that up. You can't really see it, but the petals were actually heart shaped. I purposely did that because part of the theme of the shower was heart.